Philosophy of Education

The most important qualities of a teacher are to be dedicated and enthusiastic about the subject they are teaching. How are children meant to get excited about a topic if the teacher isn’t the first one to be excited? How can a child be expected to give time and effort to a subject, if the teacher is not highly dedicated? The teacher should strive to keep their lessons interesting for the students, including activities and projects that always keep the children moving and involved. Each child should be given every opportunity to succeed, and by keeping their lessons interesting, teachers can help in making this possible.

I believe in a learning environment for music classes that is welcoming and creative. Children shouldn’t feel uncomfortable sharing their musical talents with their classmates. A music classroom is somewhere they can come and feel able to be themselves and to share their gifts.

Music is one of the subjects that reaches the most learning styles. The music teacher should be sure to include something in every lesson to apply to every learning style so that all students can feel successful in the music classroom. This time of the day should be an opportunity for each child to exercise not only each part of their brain, but each part of their body. Music, and singing in particular uses the whole body, just like gym, and this should be something each child has the option of participating in.

Without the existence of music in the schools there would be so much that the students would be missing out on. Music has the power to bring students out of their shells and to show the world who they are. It has the power to work with many types of learners and give them each the attention they deserve. It is a subject that must be present in all school systems because depriving them of it would only harm them. Music is a vital part of each child’s life and they should have every opportunity to participate and be creative.